Monday, April 20, 2015

REVIEW - Smuttynose Winter Ale

TL;DR summary : Drinkable, but not remarkable.

Beer style: Winter Ale
ABV: 6.48%
What I paid: 10.99
How it came (packaging): 6 12oz bottles
Brewery link:

About the Beer: This Winter Ale Comes from Smuttynose Brewing Company in Hampton New Hampshire. Smuttynose was officially founded in 1994, but it’s roots go back to the 80’s. Smuttynose just completed their brewery at Towle Farm in Hampton in 2014. Smuttynose says this beer is brewed with Trappist yeast and crystal hops. They claim it has fruity aroma and flavor, saying it’s stylistically similar to a Belgian Dubble.

Color/appearance: thick foamy light carmel head. Deep brown color

Aroma: sweet, malty, brown sugar

Mouth feel: medium bodied, slightly dry.

Flavor: toasty malt, mostly clean finish, with a lingering hint of licorice or even old-school cough medicine. a slight alkaline note, almost boozy but not quite.

Notes: Not bad. Definitely very malty in character.  Not a session beer, but won’t knock you on the floor. Middle of the road. Solid and drinkable, but doesn’t blow me out of the water.

Summary: I can see the resemblance to the dubbel. I never got the fruity complexity that Smuttynose claims on their site, but it was a nice drink nonetheless. This is a decent fireside beer. That said, it left me wanting something. I can’t say I wouldn’t drink it again, but I wouldn’t go out of my way looking for it either. Perhaps if it were more in line with a standard dubbel,  or heaver like a more traditional “winter warmer” beer (is there such a thing?) I would have higher praise for it. Still, not bad.

Rating : 3

1 – avoid
2 – if it’s the only choice, I guess
3 – a decent beer. Drinkable.
4 – good beer – hard to turn down
5 – great beer - One of my favorites, pour me another.

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