Monday, October 26, 2015

REVIEW: Cambridge Brewing Company Red God

TL;DR summary : a velvet hammer
Beer style: Imperial  Red Ale
ABV 9%
What I paid: 7.99
How it came (packaging): 22oz. Bottle
Brewery link:

About the Beer: Cambridge Brewing Company is a new discovery for me. The brewery focuses primarily on their draft operations, brewing relatively small batches on a rotating cycle for bottling in cooperation with other breweries in the area.
Cambridge Brewing describes Red God as an Imperial Red Ale, which, honestly, I also didn’t know existed. We all learn new things, right? So, since I was looking for something different, this beer seemed like just the ticket. CBC says this is a big, hoppy beer with lots of malt and lots of hops. They claim the hops lend an herbal spicy character.

Color/appearance: dark amber creamy, thick head
Aroma: sweet, floral, caramel
Mouth feel: medium bodied, sooth finish
Flavor: lightly malty, slightly bitter-hoppy finish, a hint of booze, but not overpowering.

Notes:  heaver than I anticipated, and sweeter. Doesn’t taste like a big beer, no heavy alcohol flavor like a velvet hammer I want more do not drink on empty stomach
Do not drink more than one. OMG I HAVE TO COOK TONIGHT>>> warm inside

Summary: So I went in to this one blind, and as you might be able to tell by the notes, on an empty stomach. I didn’t pay attention the alcohol content. Even still I loved this beer. It’s not too heavy, it’s not boozy. It’s a lovely, malty tasty beer for slowly enjoying. The hops were there in the finish, but I didn’t get herbal or spiciness. I have to say, this is probably a new favorite, and I’m going to seek out other imperial reds for comparison. A definite win. I think this is out of rotation at the time of this writing, but if you can get a bottle, do it.

Rating : 5

1 – avoid
2 – if it’s the only choice, I guess
3 – a decent beer. Drinkable.
4 – good beer – hard to turn down
5 – great beer - One of my favorites, pour me another.

Style: 5 (admittedly, I have nothing else to compare it to)

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