Wednesday, November 11, 2015

REVIEW: Naragansett Reanimator Helles Lager

TL;DR summary: Try it, you’ll probably like it.

Beer style: Helles Lager
ABV 6.5
What I paid: 10.89
How it came (packaging): 6 16oz cans
Brewery link:

About the Beer:
This is the third beer in Gansett’s Lovecraft series. I reviewed the other two here and here. This particular beer is supposedly a reworking of Gansett’s old bock recipe. I honestly don’t think I ever experienced it. I do know that according their web site, the chief difference is dry hopping with Saaz hops.  They claim this adds a layer of spicy complexity and a floral aroma.

Color/appearance: light amber, foamy white head good retention
Aroma:  citrus, a little pine, a hint of spice a tiny bit floral
Mouth feel: smooth, light bodied but not watery.
Flavor: citrus, grapefruit notes  slightly bitter sweet mixed in,  slightly acidic finish

Notes: good. Balanced. ABV on the high side for a session beer, but drinks like one. The citrus note is interesting. Very good, very drinkable.

Summary: This is another solid win for these guys. The beer totally lives up to their description. I got more of the spice character than the floral, and a much more pronounced citrus note that I don’t think they really mention. I chalk that up to this beer really being complex. That’s not to say that it’s unapproachable. I also think it’s a great off ramp for those stuck on the IPAorDie highway. There’s a lot of similarity in the characteristics while still being stylistically different enough that it might encourage a little more exploration. All that said, I would still take the Innsmouth Olde Ale over this one, but I think that’s more a personal style preference than anything.

Rating : 4

1 – avoid
2 – if it’s the only choice, I guess
3 – a decent beer. Drinkable.
4 – good beer – hard to turn down
5 – great beer - One of my favorites, pour me another.

Style: 4 (honestly though, I’m not sure how many other beers I’ve had that you could categorize as a helles

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