Friday, October 3, 2014

REVIEW: Foolproof Brewing Company's Augtoberfest

TL;DR summary: A malty treat for an early fall evening.

Beer style: Festbier
ABV:  6.0
What I paid: $7.99
How it came (packaging): 22 oz. bottle

About the Beer:
Foolproof Brewery is another recent addition to the burgeoning brewing scene in Rhode Island. Located in Pawtucket, Foolproof packages the majority of its beers in cans, though special and seasonal brews are usually done in 22oz bottles. Foolproof’s philosophy is that beer is about experiences, not just an alcoholic beverage. That seems like a pretty abstract and pretentious idea. But their beers don’t come off that way, and once you’ve had one or two it makes sense.
Augtoberfest is a seasonal beer released in conjunction with Foolproof’s Augtoberfest party at the brewery to “Celebrate the height of summer and impending arrival of fall...”

Color/appearance: orange-brown, caramel color head
Aroma: sweet. Hints of caramel, malt
Mouth feel: slick, full-bodied
Flavor: malty, toasted caramel, clean finish

Notes: Head dissipated quick, might be my fault (always make sure your glassware is clean).  This is a big malty beer, with just enough hops to even it out and cut the sweetness. It’s on style for an Oktoberfest beer, but has a slightly heavier body and was sweeter than I’m used to. Not bad, but it might be a little too sweet as a session beer.

Summary: A nice malty fest beer, great for drinking on a cool autumn night. It fits Foolproof’s stated purpose perfectly.
Rating: 3.25

1 – avoid
2 – if it’s the only choice, I guess
3 – a decent beer. Drinkable.
4 – good beer – hard to turn down
5 – great beer - One of my favorites, pour me another.

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